Innovative File Transfer and Management


You've Got Files! User Manual v4.300

Niwot Networks, 1067 S Hover St. Unit E-16, Longmont, CO 80501. (303) 772-8664

You've Got Files! Features Supported

Use YgfManage to control and monitor You've Got Files!

    YgfManage Main Page
        Tail of runlog.txt
        The Status Bar
        File Menu
        Help Menu


    Configure Globals
    Configure Sites
        Site Tree
        Site->Monitor Tab
        Site->Email/Notify Tab
        Site->Filter Tab
        Site->Advanced Tab
    Alphabetic list of ygfconf.xml entries.

Troubleshooting You've Got Files!


    Email using GMAIL
    Email using Hotmail
    Retrieving (then deleting from FTP) a new FTP file to a UNC location
    Moving a new UNC file to a LOCAL directory




    Notes On "Added" and "Changed"
    Notes On Using An Exchange Server
    Monitoring Network Sites
    Monitoring An FTP Server
    Monitoring An SFTP Server
    Monitoring An FTPS Server
    Monitoring An HTTP Server
    Monitoring A WebDAV Server
    Upgrading from You've Got Files! to
    ygf Service Logon for Windows network

Change Notes

The You've Got Files! License Agreement

You've Got Files! Features Supported

You've Got Files! has 5 levels of feature support:

Maximum Quantity of Directory
Structures (Sites) Monitored
2 5 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Scheduled Scan of Local, Network,
FTP, SFTP, WebDAV and FTPS Servers
Authenticate using AUTH or P3B4SMTP
or SMTPS (like GMAIL)
Email Multiple Addresses, use a file to list
addresses, support Multiple SMTP Servers
Configurable Subject and HTML
fomatting of Email Messages
Old File Detect,Custom Notify
Insufficient Space Detect
Disable Last Line "You've Got Files!"
Embed Images in
notification email
Multiple Instances

YgfManage Main Page
YgfManage Main Page with Status indicators
The runlog.txt display
The tail of runlog.txt is displayed in the main window

The Status Bar Indicators
All three indicators at the bottom left of the YgfManage main page are green in normal operation
If one of these indicators is not green a text status message will also be displayed.

YgfManage Main Page File Menu
YgfManage File Selections

YgfManage Main Page Help Menu
YgfManage Help Selections
  • Manual
    Opens this manual
  • About
    Displays "About" dialog.

Configure Globals
YgfManage Configure Globals Page
  • Smtp Settings
    • Simple, Auth, Smtps
      Simple does not use a User Name or Password
      Auth uses a User Name and Password
      Smtps uses User Name and Password to set up a secure connection via Stunnel
    • Smtp Server Name
      Defines the name of the SMTP server which will be responsible for sending email.
      Example for GMAIL Site override is available
    • Mail User Name
      Defines the user name to be given to the SMTP server.
      Example niwotbob for the account.
      Leave blank if you are not using AUTH or SMTPS.
      Site override is available
    • Mail Password
      Defines the password to be given to the SMTP server. Max length 127 characters.
      Leave blank if you are not using AUTH or SMTPS.
      Site override is available
    • From Email Address
      Example for the account Site override is available
    • Smtp Port
      Left blank will be 25 for Simple and Auth, Specify 465 or 587 for Smtps
      Site override is available

  • Common Global Settings
    • Scan Interval In Minutes
      A lightly loaded You've Got Files! will scan sites at one half of this interval, The new/changed file must be stable for 2 successive scans for a notification. Site override is available
    • SerialNumber
      NIWOTDEMO is used for 30 day demo. If you purchase a Production License, put it here
    • Admin Email Address
      Expiration warnings will be sent to this comma-separated list of email addresses
    • Ignore Zero Length Files
      Check this box to not be notified of new or changed zero length files. Site IgnoreZeroLengthFiles=setting overrides Global setting
    • Startup Delay in Minutes
      After system reboot, it may be desirable to wait for all network systems to stabilize.
      You've Got Files! will not scan until the specified number of minutes has elapsed.
    • Debug
      1 logs SMTP and generates showconf.txt file to see parsing of ygfconf.xml file
      2 logs FTP/SFTP to ftplog.txt and FTPS to a per-site ftplog in the Scans subdirectory
      3 logs both

  • Global Comments
    Free form, write what you'd like.

  • Global Advanced
    Global settings not frequently used. Form is one setting per line.
    Name=Value format
    • ExcludeThis=
      A customer had a root "InBasket" and a root "OutBasket" folder on his FTP site
      and set up a process to delete empty folders. However, if the root "InBasket" or
      root "OutBasket" folder was empty, they were NOT to be deleted.
      In this example directories within InBasket/Bob would still be scanned
      The ExcludeThis= feature is also available per site in Site->Advanced tab
    • FtpLogDepth=
      Default is 3, specifies how deep to archive ftplog*.txt files
    • FtpSiteTimeOffsetToLocal=
      Range is -1245 to 1245, If your FTP/SFTP/FTPS server displays file time in Eastern Standrd Time and You've Got Files! is monitoring in Pacific Standard Time then a value of -0300 would subtract 3 hours from the server's displayed file time for the notification email and in the $localdatetime parameter of CustomNotify and LaunchApplication. If the value is "UTC" then the displayed time would adjust the server's UTC time to local time.
    • FtpWatchdogTimeoutInSeconds=
      Default is 30, modify if you have a very slow FTP server.
    • FullAccessSid=
      Default blank interpreted as (S-1-5-11) "Authenticated Users" may edit ygfconf.xml.
    • Instance=
      Instance=[default blank],[_2],[_3],[_4]
      Enterprise license allows up to 2 instances of You've Got Files! on the same machine.
      The second instance is installed in C:\Program Files\Niwot\You've Got Files!_2
      There is a separate installer for the multiple-instance Enterprise program.
    • MailMultipleLinesPerFile=
      Set to 1 to have more than one line per file being notified
    • Pop3ServerName=
      Only specify a POP3 server name if you are sure you need P3B4SMTP authentication. Site override is available
    • PutEventSourceInRegistry=
      Default 0, Set to 1 to put insufficient disk space message in Event Log
    • ScanSchedule=
      ScanSchedule=HH:MM mmm [dayspec]|[dayspec]...|[dayspec]
      HH:MM is 24 hour time to start the scan
      mmm is the number of minutes (less than 1439 ) to enable this scanning
      dayspec is Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday, Saturday, or the numeric day of the month
      multiple dayspecs can be specified with vertical bar(|) between the dayspecs
      if no dayspec(s) is(are) specified then do the scan every day
      Example ScanSchedule=20:00 90 Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday
      scans for 90 minutes every weekday evening starting at 8:00 PM
      Site override is available
    • StunnelProtocol=smtp no longer needed
      Leave this blank if you are using secure SMTP port 465 default(Gmail uses 465) or port 587 (Microsoft servers use port 587)
      (FYI Earlier versions had StunnelProtocol=smtp for secure SMTP with Microsoft servers)
      StunnelProtocol=0 disables Stunnel.
      Site override is available
  • OK
    Clicking "OK" writes your changes to ygfconf.xml.
    Clicking "Cancel" leaves the ygfconf.xml unchanged.
  • Have Changes Take Effect Now
    Uncheck this box if you'd like to update the ygfconf.xml without restarting the ygf service. With this box unchecked the changes will take effect when the ygf service periodically rereads the ygfconf.xml file.
    Checked by default, the ygf service is stopped and restarted (and changes take effect)when you hit "OK".

Configure Sites

YgfManage Site list and Monitor Page
  • Site Tree
    The sites you are monitoring are arranged in alphabetic order by the name you give each site.
    You may copy, add, delete, and rename sites. Site Names may contain up to 40 characters
    The ygfconf.xml file is updated when you click "OK"
  • Site->Monitor Tab
    • Don't Monitor This Site
      Check this box if you want You've Got Files! to ignore this site spec.
    • Server Type
      Updated by YgfManage (next time it opens ygfconf.xml) based on the Dir and Port spec
      C:\folder\folder is LOCAL
      \\servername\sharename\foldername is UNC is FTP
      s is SFTP
      ftps:// using a port other than 21 is FTPES
      ftps:// using port 21 is (implicit) FTPS
    • Dir
      The folder spec string, in LOCAL, UNC, FTP, SFTP, or FTPS format

    • To Email
      Comma separated list of email addresses
      A filename of a file (in the You've Got Files! installation directory) with one email address per line may be specified
      instead of the comma-separated list of email addresses
    • Subject Default blank or Basic license (Subject will be "You've Got $count File")
      The Subject is configurable for DEMO, Professional, Corporate, and Enterprise license
      Substitution strings:
      $count $count will be replaced by the count of new files.
      $datetime $datetime is replaced with the date time string.
      $file $file will be replaced by the name of the first new file.
      $path $path will be replaced by the path(Windows) or subpath(FTP sites)
    • MinutesBeforeSendingNextEmail
      Once a notification has been sent, the program will not send
      another notification for that site until the specified number
      of minutes has passed. The goal is to have one notification when
      first receiving a block of files and a second notification after they
      have all arrived.
    • Ftp Username
      Used for ftp, ftps, WebDAV, and sftp sites
    • Ftp Password
      Used for ftp, ftps, WebDAV, and sftp sites. Max length 127 characters.
    • Ftp Port
      Ftp blank (default) is 21
      Ftps blank (default) is 990 (implicit)
      Sftp blank (default) is 22
    • Ftp Passive
      Default checked
      Passive FTP is now default and preferred because all TCP connections are initiated by
      You've Got Files!
      The Original FTP spec used "Active"(unchecked) and that is now blocked by many firewalls.
    • Comments
      Write whatever you'd like

  • Site->Email/Notify Tab
    YgfManage Email spec Page
    • Html Format Email
      With Demo, Professional, Corporate, and Enterprise licenses,
      you may specify HTML formatting by checking this box
      This causes the generated email message to be Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
      Clickable html links are generated if the notification path (after Alias and Alias exclude)
      starts with "http://","https://", "ftp://", "ftps://", "sftp://" or "\\"
      The first characters in Email Header File or the file referenced by Email Header File should be <html>
      The last characters in Email Footer File or the file referenced by Email Footer File should be </html>
    • Email Header File
      You've Got Files! tries to find the file specified and insert it in the top of the email.
      If no file is found, then the text itself (up to 500 characters) will be inserted.
      Use only a plain text or html file.
    • Email Footer File
      You've Got Files! tries to find the file specified and insert it in the bottom of the email.
      If no file is found, then the text itself (up to 500 characters) will be inserted the bottom of the email.
      If your license is not Corporate or Enterprise then the very last line (after the footer)
      is "You've Got Files!"
    • No Sub Folders
      Default (unchecked) will examine all folders within the
      path you specify. If you wish to examine only the top level folder then Check this box
    • Notify On Delete
      Default (unchecked) will not notify on a file deletion
      If you wish to be notified on file deletion then Check this box
      Don't use this withDontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes=
      The email notification message is "Deleted:"
    • Don't Notify On Add
      Default (unchecked) will notify on a file addition
      If you do not wish to be notified on file addition then Check this box.
      OldFileDetectInMinutes=x acts as if this box were checked.
      If the first attempt to add a file failed, then a subsequent attempt succeeded that could be reported as changed. see Notes On "Added" and "Changed"
    • Don't Notify On Change
      Default (unchecked) will notify on a file size change
      If you do not wish to be notified on file size change then Check this box.
      If the first attempt to add a file failed, then a subsequent attempt succeeded that could be considered as changed and not be notified if this is selected. see Notes On "Added" and "Changed"
    • OldFileDetectInMinutes=x acts as if this box were checked.
    • Don't Notify On Time Change
      Default (unchecked) will notify on a file Modification time change,
      If you do not wish to be notified on file time change then Check this box
    • Notify on Can't Access Count
      Default 0 or blank does not send a notification if the path cannot be accessed
      A number greater than zero will generate a notification when the path can not
      be accessed the specified number of times in a row.
      A successful access starts the count over.

  • Site->Filter Tab
    YgfManage Site Filters Page
    • Include Files Named
      List of vertical bar "|" separated file names which may cause a notification
      Wildcards "*" and "?" are supported.
      For example "*.htm?|*.doc?" would notify on filenames that ended
      in .htm,.html,.doc, and.docx Exclusion happens before Inclusion.
    • Include Folders Named
      List of vertical bar "|" separated folder names which may cause a notification
      Wildcards "*" and "?" are supported. Any foldername in the path may match.
      Exclusion happens before Inclusion.
    • Exclude Files Named
      List of vertical bar "|" separated file names which will not cause a notification
      Wildcards "*" and "?" are supported.
      For example ".*" would prevent notification on Unix and Mac "hidden with a dot" files
      Exclusion happens before Inclusion.
    • Exclude Folders Named
      List of vertical bar "|" separated folder names which are prevented from causing a notification.
      Wildcards "*" and "?" are supported.
      Performance may be increased with Exclude Folders Named because the specified folders are not scanned.
      Exclusion happens before Inclusion.
      Here is an example of the runlog.txt message after a change in the Exclude Folders Named spec:
      ExcludeFoldersNamed [SPEC_NAME] spec mismatch NEW: BadFiles|*Log*|DELETED|*demo*|*backup*|FutureMy|Utility OLD: BadFiles|ProcessLog|DELETED|Demo|FutureDemo|FutureMy|Utility will Rescan in 30 seconds

      Once the oldrdir_SPEC_NAME.txt and scandir_SPEC_NAME.txt both contain listings with the new spec the scanning for differences will resume.
    • Alias
      The Alias may be used to replace the directory specification in the notification.
      Enter " " to replace the directory specification with a space.
      If Html Format Email is unchecked and the Alias begins
      with "http://", "ftp://",ftps://, sftp:// or "\\"
      then spaces in the notification path are replaced with "%20" in order to make the links clickable.
    • Alias Exclude
      The website is in the htmldocs subdirectory of the FTP
      used to monitor and update the site. The FTP spec for a new file in the
      images directory might look like
      And the desired clickable http link would be
      Monitoring Dir "" we make that clickable link
      with Alias "" and Alias Exclude "htmldocs/"
      Alias Exclude removes the specified sub string from the notification path
    • Old File Detect in Minutes
      Supported in Demo, Corporate, and Enterprise licenses A notification is generated is a file is found whose modification time is older
      than the specified number of minutes. A non-blank or non-zero value also acts
      as if Don't Notify On Add and Don't Notify On Change had been checked
      Old File Detect in Minutes is used to launch archival processes and to detect workflow stoppages.
      The email notification message is "Old file:"

  • Site->Advanced Tab
    YgfManage Site Advanced settings Page
    • Ftp Double Login
      Some FTP servers require a "Double Login" where the user must first login as anonymous and then login with a username/password. A double login with the first login being "anonymous" and the first password being the "FromEmailAddress" is done when this box is checked
    • Ftps Allow Self Signed Certificate
      FTPS (via Curl) performs an SSL certificate verification based on the bundle of Certificate Authorities specified in the cacert.pem file. Check this box if your FTPS site is self-signed or uses a Certificate Authority not in the cacert.pem file
    • Sftp Add Key To Registry
      • 0 Default and initial value is 0, if the Sftp Server signature is not in Registry
        or doesn't match the signature in the Registry then an email will be sent.
        You may check the signature in runlog.txt and set this value to 1 if you'd like to accept this Sftp server as valid.
        Once the signature is in the Registry ygf.exe sets Sftp Add Key To Registry back to 0.
      • 1 Once you have set this to a one, the next access of this certificate will add its signature to the Registry
      SFTP clients usually require a one-time response from the user in order to proceed with authentication of a new SFTP server.
      The keys are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NiwotNetworks\PuTTY\SshHostKeys\rsa2@22:yourservername or HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\NiwotNetworks\PuTTY\SshHostKeys\rsa2@22:yourservername
    • Network Solutions Ftp Server
      Checking this box causes You've Got Files! to discard ftp site scans that show the site is empty. Network Solutions had a problem with their ftp-site hosting mirroring software that occasinally delivers an appparently legitimate empty site. They never admitted the problem so it may still be happening.
    • Launch Application
      The command line entered is run once for each notification instance (typically run once for each new or changed file)
      The advanced LaunchOncePerNotification=1 may be used in conjuction
      with advanced DontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes= to wait until the site has been
      stable for the specified time and then run the command specified in Launch Application a single time.

      The substitution strings available are:
      $datetime"$datetime" UNC or local The notified file's date time string(usuallyUTC), FTP/SFTP/FTPS the notified file's date time string. Use quotes because the time string has spaces.
      $file UNC or local The full path to the file, FTP site then full path to the right of the root url.
      $fname The filename (UTF8-characters)
      $subpath The path to the right of the Dir spec and to the left of the slash before the filename (UTF-8 characters)
      $length The length of the notified file
      "$localdatetime" UNC or local The notified file's local date time string, FTP/SFTP/FTPS the notified file's date time string possibly adjusted by FtpSiteTimeOffsetToLocal Use quotes because the time string has spaces.
      Use quotes around the substitution strings if there is a chance the string will have spaces.
      • UNC example, if you are monitoring a UNC site with a Dir spec of \\niwoth\Test\level1a and
        the new file was "\\niwoth\Test\level1a\New Folder\New File.xls"
        with a local modification time of "Sun Nov 16 15:38:10 2008" and a size of 743,424 bytes then:
        if the Launch Application line was:
        bob.bat "$file" "$fname" "$subpath" $length "$localdatetime"
        then the command line executed would be:
        bob.bat "\\niwoth\Test\level1a\New Folder\New File.xls" "New File.xls" "\New Folder" "743,424" "Sun Nov 16 15:38:10 2008"
        See Retrieving (then deleting from FTP) a new FTP file to a UNC location

      • FTP example, if you are monitoring an FTP site with a Dir spec of
        with a username of myusername and a password of mypassword and
        the new file was " Folder/freeSSHd.tmp"
        with a size of 782456 bytes then:
        if the Launch Application line was:
        ftpbatch.bat "$file" "$fname" "$subpath" $length
        then the command line executed would be:
        ftpbatch.bat " Folder/freeSSHd.tmp" "freeSSHd.tmp" "myfolder/New Folder" 782456
        See Moving a new UNC file to a LOCAL directory

    • Cc Email
      All licenses allow you to also send "Carbon copy" emails to a comma-separated list of email addresses. A filename of a file (in the You've Got Files! installation directory) with one email address per line may be specified instead of the comma-separated list of email addresses
    • Bcc Email
      Corporate and Enterprise licenses allow you to also send "Blind Carbon copy" emails to a comma-separated list of email addresses. A filename of a file (in the You've Got Files! installation directory) with one email address per line may be specified.
    • Advanced Site Options
      Options are of the form Name=Value, one per line
      • CustomNotify=
        Demo, Corporate, and Enterprise licenses can replace the standard notification with this specification. Within the spec these tokens are replaced with the string appropriate to the notification
        $datetime is replaced with the date time string.
        $file is replaced with the path to the file.
        $fname is replaced with the file name.
        $length is replaced with the file length in bytes.
        $ntype is replaced with one of "Added Folder:", "Added:", "Changed:", "Deleted Folder:", "Deleted:", "Old file:", "Monitored directory is empty", "Newest file:", or "Old first-level folder:"
        $localdatetime is replaced by the local date time string.
        Non Html Example: CustomNotify= $ntype $file $localdatetime $length bytes
        Html Example: CustomNotify= $ntype $file $localdatetime $length bytes <br>
        This example results in a notification very similar to the notification with no CustomNotify specified.
      • DontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes=
        No add or change notifications until all files currently in the site scanned have been there
        with the same size and time stamp for at least the number of minutes specified.
        Setting this number of minutes to a number greater than 0 is incompatible with
        NotifyOnDelete and NotifyOnFolderDelete
      • DontScanOfflineMinutes=
        Windows allows the use of local storage to maintain a synchronized image of online storage and when "Offline Files" are enabled the local storage is accessed when the online storage is unavailable. You've Got Files! by default does not scan Offline UNC-pathed locations. When the location is detected offline runlog.txt will have the entry: [time stamp] FFLINE was ONLINE: Begin Inhibit access [UNC Path] After an offline location is back online and synchronized, Scanning may be further inhibited for the number of minutes specifed. When the location is online and synchronized and the specifed minutes have elapsed runlog.txt will have the entry: [time stamp] ONLINE for [number] Minutes: Allow access [UNC Path]
      • EmailPriority=
        You may specify email priority to 0(Low), 1(Normal..Default), or 2 (High)
        If you do not specify an EmailPriority, the default value is 1.
      • Embed=
        Enterprise licenses support embedded images.
        The parameter string is a comma separated list of images to be embedded into the email.
        EXAMPLE embed two images in the notification email Embed=codegreen.png,check.gif
        Format the email as HTML, define a header to include the first image EmailHeaderFile=<html><p><img border=0 width=32 height=60 src="cid:codegreen.png"></p>
        define a footer to include the second image EmailFooterFile=<p><img border=0 width=32 height=60 src="cid:check.gif"></p></body></html>
      • ExcludeThis=
        Site setting overrides Global ExcludeThis
      • FastNotify=
        Enterprise licenses blank (default) is one to use Windows File Change Notification
        Not available on Basic, DEMO, Professional, or Corporate
        FastNotify may be disabled on a Per-Site basis with FastNotify=0 to allow Old File Detect to work
      • FreeSpaceDetectInMegabytes=
        Demo, Corporate, and Enterprise can send email notification if the monitored local or UNC location has less free megabytes (1000000 bytes in a megabyte) than you specify.
        The email notification message is "Warning Insufficient Free Space on:"
      • FromEmailAddress=
        Site setting overrides Global FromEmailAddress
      • IgnoreZeroLengthFiles=
        No notification of zero length files if you set IgnoreZeroLengthFiles=1
        Site setting overrides Global IgnoreZeroLengthFiles setting
      • LaunchOncePerNotification=
        Modify Launch Application to only launch once per notification if LaunchOncePerNotification=1
        May be used with DontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes to run a command once everything has settled down.
      • MailPassword=
        Site setting overrides
        Global MailPassword
      • MailUserName=
        Site setting overrides
        Global MailUserName
      • MinimumListMillisec=
        A customer with an ancient FTP server requested this to reduce server load. Default is 0 (fastest) ftp scans will pause on every subfolder scan until the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
      • NoNewFileDetectedInMinutes=
        Demo, Corporate and Enterprise licenses can monitor for the absence of files newer than the specified number of minutes.
        You've Got Files! can be used to alert you that no new files have arrived in the time you specify. This is useful in workflow monitoring.
        This option may be used in conjuction with IncludeFilesNamed, ScanSchedule, and WaitBeforeSendingNextEmail to monitor for specific file names at specific times.
        The email notification message on an empty folder is "Monitored directory is empty"
        The email notification message on a non-empty folder is "NoNewFile, Newest is:"
      • NotifyChangeWas=
        NotifyChangeWas is enabled with NotifyChangeWas=1
        "Changed:" lines in the email notification are followed by a
        "Was:" line with filename, size, and timestamp. Timestamps on local files are in UTC time.
        Local files' local time could be misleading after a time change.
        Timestamps on ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https files are the times from the directory listing.
      • NotifyOnEmptyFolder=
        Normally You've Got Files! does not notify of empty folder. Notify on empty folder is enabled with NotifyOnEmptyFolder=1
        The email notification message is "Empty Folder:"
      • NotifyOnFileSizeGTKByte=
        Notify on file size greater than the specified size X 1000 bytes.
        The email notification message is "File bigger than spec:"
      • NotifyOnFolderAdd=
        Normally You've Got Files! does not notify of folder addition. Notify on folder addition is enabled with NotifyOnFolderAdd=1
        The email notification message is "Added Folder:"
      • NotifyOnFolderDelete=
        Normally You've Got Files! does not notify of folder deletion. Notify on folder deletion is enabled with NotifyOnFolderDelete=1
        Don't use this withDontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes=
        The email notification message is "Deleted Folder:"
      • OldFirstLevelFolderDetectInMinutes=
        Demo, Corporate and Enterprise licenses can detect first level folders within the monitored directory whose files are all old.
        You may specify a time in minutes (1440 minutes in 24 hours) which may be used when you want a notification that there is a first level folder containing nothing but old files, such as detecting old project folders within a monitored "all projects" folder.
        The email notification message is "Old first-level folder:"
      • Pop3ServerName=
        Site setting overrides Global Pop3ServerName
      • ScanIntervalInMinutes=
        Site setting overrides
        Global ScanIntervalInMinutes=
      • ScanSchedule=
        Site setting overrides
        Global ScanSchedule=
      • SmtpPort=
        Site setting overrides
        Global SmtpPort=
      • SmtpServerName=
        Site setting overrides
        Global SmtpServerName=
      • SpawnAppNoWait=(use of this is discouraged)
        SpawnAppNoWait usage is identical to LaunchApplication but the command line executes asynchronously and You've Got Files! continues on executing instead of waiting for completion of the launched process. Caution is advised.
      • StalenessDetectInMinutes=
        Supported in Demo, Corporate, and Enterprise licenses Generates a notification when a new file has remained in the monitored directory for at least the number of minutes specified. This is accomplished by monitoring the specified directory at the interval you specified, so while the minimum time is the time you specify, the maximum is twice that value (or longer on a heavily loaded system). A non-blank or non-zero value also acts as if Don't Notify On Add and Don't Notify On Change had been checked
      • StunnelProtocol no longer needed
        Site setting overrides
        Global StunnelProtocol=smtp

  • OK
    Clicking "OK" writes your changes to ygfconf.xml.
    Clicking "Cancel" leaves the ygfconf.xml unchanged.
  • Have Changes Take Effect Now
    Uncheck this box if you'd like to update the ygfconf.xml without restarting the ygf service. With this box unchecked the changes will take effect when the ygf service periodically rereads the ygfconf.xml file.
    Checked by default, the ygf service is stopped and restarted (and changes take effect)when you hit "OK".

Alphabetic list of ygfconf.xml elements
X in column GLOB may be set in Configure Globals
X in column SITE may be set in Configure Sites
O in column SITE may be set in Configure Sites, if it is not set, the Global setting is used

Alias     X   Default blank 
AliasExclude     X   Default blank 
BccEmail     X   Default blank, Corporate, Enterprise versions can send to a BCC list 
CcEmail     X   Default blank, send email to a CC list 
CustomNotify=     X   Default blank. Corporate, Enterprise, and Demo can customize the notification 
Debug  X       Default blank interpreted as 0 (Global) 
Dir     X   Required  
DontMonitorSite     X   Default unchecked (monitor the Site) 
DontNotifyOnAdd     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
DontNotifyOnChange     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
DontNotifyOnTimeChange     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
DontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
DontScanOfflineMinutes=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
Email     X   Each monitored directory needs this or LaunchApplication 
EmailFooterFile     X   Default blank (Basic and Professional always have "You've Got Files! as last line") 
EmailHeaderFile     X   Default blank 
EmailPriority=     X   Default blank is a 1 (normal) 
Embed=     X   Default blank Enterprise version
ExcludeFilesNamed=     X   Default blank 
ExcludeFoldersNamed=     X   Default blank 
ExcludeThis=  X   O   Default blank, Site may override Global
FastNotify=     X   Enterprise Default 1 Enabled, Others Disabled  
FreeSpaceDetectInMegabytes=     X   Corporate, Enterprise Default 0 don't check space available  
FromEmailAddress  X   O   Required (in Global), Site may override Global
FtpDontUseCDUP=     X   Default blank or 0 interpreted as unchecked 
FtpDoubleLogin=     X   Default blank or 0 interpreted as unchecked 
FtpLogDepth=  X       Default 3, Modify if you wish to save more *log.txt files
FtpPassword     X   Default blank
FtpPasv     X   Default checked
FtpPort     X   Default blank
FtpsAllowSelfSignedCertificate     X   Default unchecked, check for FTPS using self-signed certificate. 
FtpSiteTimeOffsetToLocal  X   O   Default 0000, -1245 to 1245 and UTC accepted. 
FtpWatchdogTimeoutInSeconds=  X       Default 30, Modify if you have a very slow FTP server (Global) 
FullAccessSid=  X       Default blank (S-1-5-11) "Authenticated Users" may edit ygfconf.xml.
HtmlFormatEmail     X   Default unchecked
IgnoreZeroLengthFiles  X   O  1 to ignore, Site may override Global
IncludeFilesNamed=     X   Default blank 
IncludeFoldersNamed=     X   Default blank 
Instance=  X       Default blank for first instance of You've Got Files! (Global) 
LaunchApplication     X   Default blank 
LaunchOncePerNotification=     X   Default zero 
MailMultipleLinesPerFile=  X       Default blank interpreted as a 0(Global) 
MailPassword  X   O   Default blank, needed for AUTH or P3B4SMTP (Global)Site may override Global
MailUserName  X   O   Default blank, needed for AUTH or P3B4SMTP (Global)Site may override Global
MinimumListMillisec=     X   Default 0 (fastest FTP and SFTP listing) 
Network Solutions Ftp Server     X   Default unchecked
NoNewFileDetectedInMinutes=     X   Default blank; Corporate, Enterprise version can detect no new files 
NoSubfolders=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
NotifyOnCantAccessCount=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
NotifyChangeWas=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
NotifyOnDelete=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
NotifyOnEmptyFolder=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
NotifyOnFileSizeGTKByte=     X   Default blank interpreted as infinite 
NotifyOnFolderAdd=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
NotifyOnFolderDelete=     X   Default blank interpreted as 0 
OldFileDetectInMinutes=     X   Default 0 Corporate, Enterprise version can detect old files 
OldFirstLevelFolderDetectInMinutes=     X   Default 0 Corporate, Enterprise versions can detect old first level folders 
Pop3ServerName=  X   O   Default blank, needed for P3B4SMTP (Global)Site may override Global
PutEventSourceInRegistry=  X       Default 0, Set to 1 to put insufficient disk space message in Event Log (Global) 
RestartOnChangeOk=  X       Default 1, Have Changes Take Effect Now (Global) 
ScanIntervalInMinutes  X   O   Default 1 so Demo users will get quick notifications. 
ScanSchedule=  X   O   Default Blank, HH:MM mmm [dayspec]|[dayspec].  
SerialNumber  X       Default NIWOTDEMO expires. (Global) 
SftpAddKeyToRegistry=     X   Default blank 
SmtpPort  X   O   Default is 25  
SmtpServerName  X   O   Required  
SpawnAppNoWait=     X   Default blank 
StalenessDetectInMinutes=     X   Default 0 Corporate, Enterprise can detect stale files 
StartupDelayInMinutes=  X       Default blank interpreted as 0 (Global) 
StunnelProtocol=smtp  X   O   Default blank (this setting is no longer needed for secure SMTP)  
Subject=     X   Default blank (Subject will be "You've Got $count File") 
WaitBeforeSendingNextEmailInMinutes=     X   Default is ScanIntervalInMinutes 

Troubleshooting You've Got Files!
  • Set Debug to 3
    When troubleshooting, set Debug to 3 (And Stop and Start the service to have the changes take effect) to get more information in runlog.txt, ftplog.txt, and the ftplog*.txt files
  • The Status Bar Indicators
    Run YgfManage, most errors will show up as one of the three Status Bar Indicatorsnot being green
    • If the "Ygf Service Status" indicator (left) is not green
      If you look at processes in the Task Manager, you will see either ygf.exe or ygfctrl.exe is not running.
      Most likely cause is expiration of the You've Got Files! license. Check the main window to see if an expiration message is in the bottom of the runlog.txt
      if ygfctrl.exe is not running and ygf.exe is running the status bar message is "ygfctrlactive is 0" this is unusual.
      if ygf.exe is not running andygfctrl.exe is running the status bar message is "ygfactive is 0"this is unusual.
      if both ygf.exe and ygfctrl.exe are not running the status bar message is "Ygf service is not running".
    • If the "Cannot Access" indicator (middle) is not green
      You will see a text message of the unavailable location(s) in the status bar.
      If the "Cannot Access" location is LOCAL then possibly there is no location matching the Dir spec.If Debug is 1 or 3 there is more information in runlog.txt
      If the "Cannot Access" location is UNC then possibly the ygf Service Log On does not have rights to read from the location. If Debug is 1 or 3 there is more information in runlog.txt
      If the "Cannot Access" location is FTP or SFTP then possibly the Ftp password needs to be entered. If Debug is 2 or 3 the information will be in ftplog.txt
      If the "Cannot Access" location is FTPS then there is more information in the latest site-specific ftplog*.txt file in the scans directory
    • If the "Unsent Emails" indicator (right) is not green
      That indicates there are msg*.txt unsent email files in the installation directory.
      The SMTP server did not accept the email You've Got Files! tried to send. If Debug is 1 or 3
      the runlog.txt will have information on why the email was not accepted. A re-send of the msg*.txt emails will be attempted when the service is started and every 15 minutes for three days. After three days unsent emails are deleted. Unsent email msg*.txt files are retried with new global credentials if the from email address matches the global from email address and Smtp Server Name, Smtp Port, Mail User Name, or Mail Password has changed since msg*.txt file was generated.
  • Send Niwot the files and let us help
    Please send these files:
    • ygfconf.xml file, this is the file edited by YgfManage that decides what ygf.exe will do
    • runlog.txt file, this is where most non-ftp errors are logged
    • ftplog.txt file that contains information from FTP and SFTP scanning
    • site-specific ftplog*.txt file in the scans directory if the problem is FTPS
    And a description of what you'd like to accomplish to:


  • Email using GMAIL

    The You've Got Files! mail sending program is not made by google, so you must log in to your gmail account and enable "less secure apps" to allow You've Got Files! to send using gmail.
    Once it is working, if your IP address changes or some other interruption happens, the login may be rejected and you may have to manually login and acknowledge gmail's concern about suspicious activity and reconfirm you are human before sending is re-enabled.

    Smtp Server Name:
    Mail User Name:
    Mail Password:    usernamespassword
    From Email Address:
    Smtp Port:     465
    YgfManage using Gmail to send notification

  • Email using Hotmail or Office365
    Hotmail Smtp Server Name:
    Hotmail Mail User Name:
    Mail Password:    usernamespassword
    Hotmail From Email Address:
    Smtp Port:     587

    Office365 Smtp Server Name:
    Office365 Mail User Name:
    Mail Password:    usernamespassword
    Office365 From Email Address:
    Smtp Port:     587

    YgfManage using Microsoft to send notification

  • Retrieving (then deleting from FTP) a new FTP file to a UNC location
    Monitoring "ftpsample":
    Ftp Username:     myusername
    Ftp Password:     mypassword (hidden)
    To Email: (This can be left blank if the move is desired without generating a notification email)
    Launching a process to retrieve from FTP site

  • Launch Application: NiwotFtpGetDelTheFile.bat "\\niwoth\Test\level1a\$file" "$file" "ftpsample_Launchlog.txt"
    If you leave this line blank then this example reverts to a "ftp notification" example

    first parameter (program or batch to run): NiwotFtpGetDelTheFile.bat
    second parameter (the $file will be replaced with the desired destination subpath): "\\niwoth\Test\level1a\$file"
    third parameter (the $file will be replaced with the desired source path within the site): "$file"
    fourth parameter: "ftpsample_Launchlog.txt" The NiwotFtpGetDelTheFile.batbatch file is installed with You've Got Files!

  • Example moving a new UNC file to a LOCAL directory
    This example monitors UNC site named "uncsample" \\niwoth\Test\level1a and
    moves any new or changed file (including the folder structure) to C:\TEST.
    Monitoring a UNC location
    Monitoring "uncsample":
    Dir:    \\niwoth\Test\level1a
    To Email: (This can be left blank if the move is desired without generating a notification email)
    Niwotmov LaunchApplication

    Launch Application: niwotmov.exe "$file" "C:\TEST$subpath\$fname"
    first parameter (program or batch to run): niwotmov.exe
    second parameter (the $file will be replaced with the desired source path): "$file"
    third parameter (the $subpath will be replaced with the path between the Dir spec and the slash before the filename: "C:\TEST$subpath\$fname"
    The niwotmov.exe utility is installed with You've Got Files!


  • niwotcpy.exe
    Accepts UTF-8 pathnames and filenames
    NIWOT NETWORKS, INC. niwotcpy Ver
    Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved
    Usage: niwotcpy srcspec destspec
    Return 0 if the file was moved
    Return 1 if Command Line error

  • niwotdel.exe
    Accepts UTF-8 pathnames and filenames
    NIWOT NETWORKS, INC. niwotdel Ver
    Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved
    Usage: niwotdel delspec
    Return 0 if the file was deleted
    Return 1 if Command Line error

  • NiwotFtpGet.exe
    NiwotFtpGet.exe version 1.005
    Copyright 2010-2014 Niwot Networks, Inc.
    usage: NiwotFtpGet.exe [options] /o "destination" "fullsourceurl"
    /o destinationfilepath
    /L logfilename
    example command line to retrieve file from ftp site:
    /L "logfilename" /o "fullpathtodestination" "ftp://username:password@fullurlofsourcefile"
    example command line to retrieve file from ftp site and delete from site if successful:
    /delete /L "logfilename" /o "fullpathtodestination" "ftp://username:password@fullurlofsourcefile"

  • NiwotFTPtool.exe
    This utility does not accept UTF-8 paths and does not support FTP PASV. It is still useful if the FTP site may be used in ACTIVE mode.
    Copyright 2004-2012 All Rights Reserved
    Usage: NiwotFTPtool ftpspec [options]
    ftpspec ftp://[username[:password]@]urlroot[/subdir/][filespec]
    -sub [/subdir/][filespec] if using -get Alternate location for the ftp subdir and filespec
    if using -put then this is fulllocalpathname
    -len length of file in decimal (need this parameter to be zero to delete a zero-length file after getting)
    -get [localfoldername] Retrieve a file into the working directory or localfoldername if specified
    -put if not using -sub, fulllocalpathname to be uploaded to the FTP site
    if using -sub then this is the rootlocalpathname, the root of the local path being scanned by You've Got Files!
    -del with -get, Deletes the source file after verifying that a file with the desired name and size exists at the destination.
    not recommended with -put, Deletes the source file WITHOUT verifying that a file with the desired name and size exists at the destination.
    -rmdir Deletes the specified location with a rmdir command.
    -exist returns 0 if the specified file has size >0, returns 6 if size zero, 7 if it doesn't exist
    -asc do the transfer in ascii (binary is default)
    -log Outputs NiwotFTPtoollog.txt and any scripts used

    You've Got Files! must be running for NiwotFTPtool to run
    Return 0 if a file was moved
    Return 1 if Command Line error
    Return 2 if couldn't get current working directory
    Return 3 if problem building Put, Get, or Delete script
    Return 5 if You've Got Files! is not running
    Return 6 if -exist specified,-len not specified, file exists with length zero
    Return 7 if -exist specified, -len not specified then file does not exist
    Return 7 if -exist specified, -len specified and file does not have expected size
    Return 8 if -get and -len specified, retrieved file does not have expected size

    GET EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -sub /test /download.txt -get c:\getfolder

    GET EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -get c:\getfolder

    GET EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -sub download.txt -get c:\getfolder

    GET DEL UNC EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -sub download.txt -get \\niwot2\backup\getfolder -del

    PUT UNC EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -put \\niwot2\backup\folder -sub \\niwot2\backup\folder\test\upload.txt

    PUT C: EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -put c:\folder -sub c:\folder\test\upload.txt

    PUT C: EXAMPLE: NiwotFTPtool -put c:\folder\test\upload.txt

  • niwotmov.exe
    Accepts UTF-8 pathnames and filenames
    NIWOT NETWORKS, INC. niwotmov Ver
    Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved
    Usage: niwotmov srcspec destspec
    Return 0 if the file was moved
    Return 1 if Command Line error

  • NiwotFtpGetDelTheFile.bat
    This batch file is installed with You've Got Files!
    REM Updated to use NiwotFtpGet.exe version 1.003 which uses curl
    REM Launch Application: NiwotFtpGetDelTheFile.bat "d:\username\$file" "$file" "Launchlog.txt"
    REM Where "d:\username\$file" is the full filename and location of the file after it has been retrieved
    REM Where "$file" is the full spec of the file on the site to be retrieved (and deleted if retrieve successful)
    REM Where "Launchlog.txt" is the name of the log file to be used
    echo %1 %2 %3
    NiwotFtpGet.exe /delete /L %3 /o %1 %2

  • NiwotFtpGetTheFile.bat
    This batch file is installed with You've Got Files!
    REM Updated to use NiwotFtpGet.exe version 1.003 which uses curl
    REM Launch Application: NiwotFtpGetTheFile.bat "d:\username\$file" "$file" "Launchlog.txt"
    REM Where "d:\username\$file" is the full filename and location of the file after it has been retrieved
    REM Where "$file" is the full spec of the file on the site to be retrieved br> REM Where "Launchlog.txt" is the name of the log file to be used
    echo %1 %2 %3
    NiwotFtpGet.exe /L %3 /o %1 %2

  • Notes On "Added" and "Changed"

    If the notification is "Added:" then the file was added.
    If the notification is "Changed:" then the file existed with a stable size and modification time for 2 scans and then later had a different size or modification time. If the file-moving software's first attempt to add a file failed, and a subsequent attempt succeeded that could be reported as changed.

  • Monitoring A Network Site

    Monitor Network-Mounted drives and directories using Dir specifying the UNC path \\servername\sharename or \\servername\sharename\foldername[\foldername].

    You may not monitor Network-Mounted drives using mapped drive letters, as they don't exist for services. You must have the service logon with a username and password that is authorized to view the monitored UNC path. Also see Edit ygf Service

  • Monitoring An FTP Server
    When monitoring an FTP server, the Dir entry should begin with the six characters ftp:// followed by the FTP server name or IP address.
    A Dir spec of would monitor the "incoming" directory and subdirectories of the "incoming" directory.
    The Ftp Username entry will be used. The Ftp Password entry will be used and will be encrypted in the ygfconf.xml file once the program has been run once, thereby maintaining security of passwords. Do not hand modify this string once it has been encrypted. If you ever need to change the password, enter it again in plain text
    The FtpPort default value is 21. You may specify non-default values.

  • Monitoring An SFTP Server
    Setting at Sftp Add Key To Registry
    It is possible to monitor SFTP servers that accept Keyboard-interactive authentication via password with SSH-2.
    Public Key and SSH-1 methods.

    Unicode/UTF-8 names are supported when monitoring VanDyke's VShell SFTP server (

    When monitoring an SFTP server, the Dir entry should begin with the seven characters sftp:// followed by the SFTP server name or IP address.
    A Dir spec of s would monitor the "incoming" directory and subdirectories of the "incoming" directory.
    The Ftp Username entry will be used. The Ftp Password entry will be used and will be encrypted in the ygfconf.xml file once the program has been run once, thereby maintaining security of passwords. Do not hand modify this string once it has been encrypted. If you ever need to change the password, enter it again in plain text

    The FtpPort default value for SFTP is 22. You may specify non-default values.

    • SFTP Server Authentication

    ADD_KEY_REQUEST: SFTP servers usually require a one-time response from the user in order to proceed with authentication. The following shows the sequence of events that can occur. An attempt by You've Got Files! to login and authenticate with your SFTP server will generate an email similar to the following:

    Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 12:25 PM
    Subject: You've Got Files! SECURITY MESSAGE
    ADD_KEY_REQUEST for [sitename] site
    Please see the You've Got Files! runlog.txt file for specific information.

    A message similar to the following will be found in the runlog.txt file:

    Tue Sep 25 12:25:39 2007 SFTP server= user=jake
    The server's host key is not cached in the registry. (or WARNING - POTENTIAL SECURITY BREACH! if the signature changed)
    You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
    think it is.
    The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
    ssh-rsa 1024 5d:68:a3:bc:e4:3f:1c:b4:2c:b2:1d:9a:f9:09:72:a0
    ### IMPORTANT NOTE ###
    If you trust this server, enter SftpAddKeyToRegistry=1 using YgfManage.
    ### ############## ###
    Connection abandoned.
    Disconnected: User aborted at host key verification
    ssh_init: error during SSH connection setup -1

    Adding Sftp Add Key To Registry=1 and restarting You've Got Files! will cause the program to allow this authentication to complete. This operation will add the proper key to the registry (found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NiwotNetworks\PuTTY\SshHostKeys or HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\NiwotNetworks\PuTTY\SshHostKeys). You've Got Files! will automatically reset the entry in the ygfconf.xml file to Ygf1SftpAddKeyToRegistry=0 after adding the registry key. No email message will be sent, though a message similar to the following will be found in the runlog.txt file:

    Tue Sep 25 12:44:23 2007 SFTP server= user=jake
    The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
    have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
    think it is.
    The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
    ssh-rsa 1024 5d:68:a3:bc:e4:3f:1c:b4:2c:b2:1d:9a:f9:09:72:a0
    ### IMPORTANT NOTE ###
    You had SftpAddKeyToRegistry=1 in your ygfconf.xml file, so we will proceed.
    ### ############## ###

  • Monitoring An FTPS Server
    Setting at FTPS

    When monitoring an FTPS server, the Dir entry should begin with the seven characters ftps://followed by the FTP server name or IP address.
    A Dir spec of ftps:// would monitor the "incoming" directory and subdirectories of the "incoming" directory.
    The Ftp Username entry will be used. The Ftp Password entry will be used and will be encrypted in the ygfconf.xml file once the program has been run once, thereby maintaining security of passwords. Do not hand modify this string once it has been encrypted. If you ever need to change the password, enter it again in plain text

    The FtpPort default value for FTPS (implicit) is 990. You may specify non-default values.
    If you wish to run explicit FTPS then set FtpPort to 21.

    • SSL Certificate Verification
    If your FTPS site is self-signed or uses a Certificate Authority not in the cacert.pem file then please check the (Advanced Tab) Ftps Allow Self Signed Certificate.

  • Monitoring An HTTP Server
    Setting at HTTP

    When monitoring an HTTP server, the Dir entry should begin with the seven characters http://followed by the HTTP server name or IP address.
    A Dir spec of would monitor the "incoming" directory and subdirectories of the "incoming" directory.
    This monitoring is new with You've Got Files! version 4.103. Your feedback is requested.

    The FtpPort default value for HTTP is 80. You may specify non-default values.

  • Monitoring a WebDAV Server
    This has been tested with WebDAV and cPanel WebDAV(Web Drive).

    When monitoring a WebDAV server, the Dir entry should begin with the eight characters https://followed by the WebDAV server name or IP address.
    Please specify the port to be used in FtpPort (default is 443)
    WebDAV and FTPS monitoring is improved with You've Got Files! version 4.203. Your feedback is requested.
    A Dir spec of would monitor the "incoming" directory and subdirectories of the "incoming" directory.
    The Ftp Username entry will be used. The Ftp Password entry will be used and will be encrypted in the ygfconf.xml file once the program has been run once, thereby maintaining security of passwords. Do not hand modify this string once it has been encrypted. If you ever need to change the password, enter it again in plain text

    The FtpPort default value for HTTPS/WebDAV is 443. You may specify non-default values.

    • SSL Certificate Verification
    Your HTTPS site must use a Certificate Authority in the cacert.pem file.

  • Upgrading from You've Got Files! to
    • The ygf4xxx.exe installer looks for an existing ygfconf.xml file in the installation directory and if it find ygfconf.xml, nothing is changed.
    • If the installer does find a ygfconf.txt file and does not find a ygfconf.xml file then it runs
      the ygfconftxt2xml.exe program to generate a matching ygfconf.xml file
    • The new ygfconf.xml file will have site names that are numbers and combine comments into a per-site comments group
    • Should you care to back out the upgrade, just uninstall and remove or rename the ygfconf.xml file then
      run your desired ygf3xxx.exe installer. The original ygfconf.txt will be used by the older You've Got Files!

  • Uninstalling You've Got Files!

    The ygfconf.xml and ygfconf.txt files are preserved on an uninstall.
    Please stop the "ygf" service and quit YgfManage before uninstalling You've Got Files!

    You may uninstall You've Got Files! in one of two ways:

    1.  From Start -> Programs -> Niwot -> Uninstall You've Got Files!


    2.  From the Control Panel, run "Add/Remove Programs" and select You've Got Files! from the bottom of the list to remove.

  • ygf Service Logon for Windows network

    You've Got Files! runs as the ygf service with the default logon of "Local System Account"
    The logon needs to be changed and a UNC path used in order to access sites over the Windows network.
    Linux and Macintosh (and Windows) machines may be accessed using UNC paths if the logon the ygf service is using is given access to the site being scanned.
    Windows 7, 2008 server, 2010 server, 2012 Server, Vista, and XP Service settings are found in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services applet
    Windows 8 Service settings may also be accessed from Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools
    Windows 10 Service settings may also be accessed from Settings,"View Local Services"
    Also may be started from Edit ygf Service Once the applet is started select "ygf" service then right-click Properties and select the "Logon" tab to specify a username and password to be used.

Change Notes

You've Got Files! Version 4.300 changes since version 4.208:
1. The company is now Niwot Networks (was Niwot Networks, Inc.)
2. SMTPS using TLS 1.2 now supported. Product can send email using Microsoft (outlook) SMTP servers.
     a)Stunnel.exe version 5.49 (was 4.46) from
     b)libeay32.dll version (was version from stunnel installer
     c)ssleay32.dll version (was version from stunnel installer
3. ygf.exe version 4.300 since 4.208:
     a) Now support plaintext passwords up to 128 characters in length.
     b) The company is now Niwot Networks. Copyright updated
4. YgfManage.exe version 1.200 changes since version 1.104 The company is now Niwot Networks. Copyright updated
5. cacert.pem from generated at Tue Feb 1 04:12:05 2022 GMT
6. NiwotSFTP.exe version no longer erases runlog.txt when NiwotSFtpLog.txt exceeds 10 Megabytes.
7. These executables are signed by Niwot Networks:
NiwotSFtp.exe, NiwotHFtp.exe, NiwotFtpDir.exe, niwotdir.exe, NiwotFtpGet.exe, niwotmov.exe, niwotcpy.exe, niwotdel.exe, YgfManage.exe, tail.exe, ygf.exe, ygfctrl.exe.

You've Got Files! Version 4.208 changes since version 4.207:
1. Monitor AS400 ftp site using aftp:// spec instead of ftp://
2. NiwotHFtp.exe version 2.507 since 2.506:
     a) Remove duplicate of last line in each directory listing.
     b) Now used to monitor AS400 ftp site (AS400 presenting Unix listing format).

You've Got Files! Version 4.207 changes since version 4.203:
1. Monitor ftp with blank user and password. (default password "ftp" is used when password is blank.)
2. Will not scan directories whose directory path length exceeds 260 characters.
3. New site-specific Advanced Feature NotifyChangeWas.
4. Restore ability to use stunnel lost in 4.203 (install MSVCR71.dll)

You've Got Files! Version 4.203 changes since version 4.112:
1. Maximum password length increased to 127 characters
2. Switch to using NiwotSFtp.exe for sftp monitoring, improving reliability.
3. Switch to using NiwotHFtp.exe instead of NiwotFtpDir for monitoring FTPS sites.
3. Add support in NiwotHFtp.exe to monitor cPanel and opendrive WebDAV sites.
4. Site override of Stunnelprotocol=0 will disable SMTPS (Stunnel) for that site.
5. Site override of Stunnelprotocol=1 will override Global Stunnelprotocol=smtps, allowing port 465 SMTPS protocol for site when Global is using port 587.
6. Ftp sites with no username/password are supported. ("ftp" is used as the default password)
7. cacert.pem (trusted sites list used with ftps:// and https://) dated Dec 5 2018 from
8. Update copyrights to 2019
9. New NiwotSFtp.exe version derived from psftp.exe version
10. psftp.dll version change from't fail if creating a directory that already exists on SFTP site.
11. NiwotHFtp.exe version 2.506 changes from 2.501:
     a) Can now WebDAV monitor
     b) Can now WebDAV monitor cPanel WebDrive.
     c) Can now monitor http and https of cPanel url when using a browser with that url would display a list of files.
     d) Is now used to monitor ftps sites.
     e) May now monitor https sites with listing format: 9/12/2018 7:36 AM <dir>

You've Got Files! Version 4.112 changes since version 4.109:
1. Now can monitor WS_FTP SFTP server.
2. Using ftp:// to access an SFTP server (port 22) now gracefully errors.
3. cacert.pem (trusted sites list used with ftps:// and https://) dated Jun 20 2018 from
4. Update copyrights to 2018.
5. YgfManage version 1.104 changes from 1.103:
     a) Message "system busy, status display delayed" now appears instead of the concerning "Couldn't mark runlog.txt in use" message.
     b) Update copyrights to 2018.
6. NiwotFtpDir.exe version 1.201 changes from 1.200:
     a) No longer fail when there is a "[" in a directory name.
     b) Update copyrights to 2018.
7. NiwotHFtp.exe version 2.501 changes from 1.200:
     a) No longer fail when there is a "[" in a directory name.
     b) longer index string.
     c) Update copyrights to 2018.
8. psftp.dll version 0.7.NWT.03 based on psftp.exe version .7 instead of .6,
You've Got Files! Version 4.109 changes since version 4.108:
1. Clean up slashes in Launch when using $subpath and $file so an empty $subpath won't pass two adjacent slashes to the called application.
2. Handle a space immediately after ftp://, sftp://, ftps://
3. Accept if YgfManageNonAdmin is running in same directory as ygf.exe on startup of service.
4. cacert.pem (trusted sites list used with ftps:// and https://) dated Jun 7 2017 from
5. Update copyrights to 2017.
6. YgfManage version 1.103 changes from 1.102:
a) Common codebase with YgfManageNonAdmin.exe so it possible to set up permissions so a regular user can manage You've Got Files!
b) Detect and autocorrect typo of space immediately after ftp://, sftp://, ftps://
c) Update copyrights to 2017.
7. niwotdir.exe version 2.005 changes from 2.004:
a) No longer crash when total size of monitored files exceeds 99 gigabytes.
b) Update copyrights to 2017.

You've Got Files! Version 4.108 changes since version 4.107:
1. New Feature Advanced LaunchOncePerNotification=1 modifies Launch Application
to only launch once instead a launch for each file that is added or changed.
2. No longer stuck on rescan after miscompare when monitored location or exclude folder changed in a site spec.
3. blat.dll version is now 2.506.
4. New batch file MoveFolder.bat included to demonstrate using LaunchOncePerNotification=1
combined with DontNotifyUntilStableForMinutes= to move an entire folder.
5. Installer version 4.108 changes from 4.107:
a) Added libssh2.dll (built 4/3/2015) required for NiwotFtpGet.exe version 1.005
b) Initial Install-from-scratch ygfconf has RestartOnChangeOk=1, Ygf1FtpPasv=1, Ygf2FtpPasv=1

You've Got Files! Version 4.107 changes since version 4.106:
1. Removed "Can't Access" error messages when there is a new site being monitored..
2. No longer stuck on rescan after miscompare when monitored location or exclude folder changed in a site spec.
3. Rewrote and retested DontNotifyUntilStable code for oldrdir delete, scandir->oldrdir and tmpdir->scandir.

You've Got Files! Version 4.106 changes since version 4.104:
1. Addressed reported problem of Scandir* not overwriting Oldrdir* on Server 2012.
2. Added debug messages when Debug &= 4 to log oldrdir delete, scandir->oldrdir and tmpdir->scandir.
3. Rewrote and retested DontNotifyUntilStable code for oldrdir delete, scandir->oldrdir and tmpdir->scandir.
4. Changed FTPS command line logging in runlog.txt to only happen when Debug &= 4
5. Improved "Cannot access" message and indicator for SFTP and FTPS sites
6. YgfManage.exe version 1.101 changes from 1.100:
    4.a)Add message "Display Couldn't keep up with runlog.txt, lines skipped"
    4.b)Update copyrights to 2016.

You've Got Files! Version 4.104 changes since version 4.103:
1. Clean up messages when scans\scandir_* file and/or scans\oldrdir_* file doesn't exist.
2. Set Rescan time to 1 minute when site is renamed, time offset changes, exclude folder spec changes, or monitor spec changes.

You've Got Files! Version 4.103 changes since version 4.033:
1. Add support for http:// monitoring where url displays a directory listing.
2. Add support for https:// monitoring where url username/password displays a directory listing.
3. YgfManage.exe version 1.100 changes from 1.029:
    3.a)Add support for http:// monitoring.
    3.b)Add support for https:// monitoring.
4. Added "Expires in X months" message on service start for expiring licenses.
5. Add "Does Not Expire" message on service start for non-expiring licenses.
6. Added $datetime as a substitute string in email subject line.
7. NiwotHFtp.exe version utility is in installation, used for https:// and http:// monitoring.
8. cacert.pem (trusted sites list used with ftps:// and https://) dated Oct 28 2015 from
9. libcurl.dll version is now 7.41.0.
10. libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll version is now 1.0.2
11. Upon startup, if there is a tdebug.txt file in the installation directory, delete it.(tdebug.txt was an artifact from 4.102)
12. Added a "cannot access" message when scans\scandir_* file or scans\oldrdir_* file can't be renamed or removed.

You've Got Files! Version 4.033 changes since version 4.032:
1. ygf.exe version change only.
2. ygfctrl.exe version 4.033 changes from 4.017.
    2.a)Message "YgfCtrl didn't find a ygfactive file!" is no longer logged on normal termination.
    2.b)ygfctrl.exe no longer exits just because it cannot write to runlog.txt.

The You've Got Files! License Agreement

FOR You've Got Files! (tm)


This Niwot Networks End User Expiring License Agreement accompanies the Niwot Networks You've Got Files! SOFTWARE PRODUCT, related explanatory materials and "online" or electronic documentation ("Software"). The term "SOFTWARE PRODUCT" also shall include any upgrades, modified versions or updates of the Software licensed to you by Niwot Networks.

The "SOFTWARE PRODUCT" is defined as the contents of this installation package with the exceptions of:
blat.dll (see
cacert.pem (from
libcurl.dll (see
libeay32.dll,ssleay32.dll (see
psftp.dll (see
stunnel.exe (see
tail.exe (see
zlib1.dll (see
Contact Niwot Networks for the Niwot modified source code for blat.dll and psftp.dll.

The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. Please read this Agreement carefully. Do not use the Software if you do not accept this Agreement. At the end of the license term you agree to renew your license or refrain from using the software.

Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Niwot Networks grants to you a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use The Software, provided that you agree to the following:

1. Use of The Software. You may install the Software on a hard disk or other storage device; You may also store or install a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your other computers over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a distinct license for each operating system instance using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from the storage device. Any given license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be shared or used concurrently or otherwise on different computers or different operating systems within the same computer in a given organization. The Enterprise license allows up to 2 instances of the program to be run under a single operating sytem on a single machine. The Enterprise4 license allows up to 4 instances of the program to be run under a single operating sytem on a single machine.

Without prejudice to any other rights, Licensor may terminate this Agreement if Licensee breaches any of its terms and conditions and Licensee has failed to cure such breach within 15 days of receiving the written notice of such breach. Upon termination, Licensee shall destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

If you have not purchased You've Got Files! and been provided a production serial number for this copy of The Software then this is a demo license and is licensed for 30 days from first installation on a computer.

2. Copyright and Trademark Rights. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is owned by Niwot Networks and its suppliers, and its structure, organization and code are the valuable trade secrets of Niwot Networks and its suppliers. The Software also is protected by United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. Use of any trademark does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark. Therefore, you must treat The Software product like any other copyrighted material. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in The Software.

3. Restrictions. Except as otherwise expressly permitted in this Agreement, Licensee may not: (i) modify or create any derivative works of You've Got Files! or documentation, including translation or localization; (ii) decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for You've Got Files! (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction); (iii) redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer rights to You've Got Files!; (iv) remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in You've Got Files! or (v) publish any results of benchmark tests run on You've Got Files! to a third party without Niwot Network's prior written consent. The Software product is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.



6. General Provisions. If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of the Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. You agree that The Software will not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions or regulations. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you to comply with its terms. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized officer of Niwot Networks.

Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the
United States. 2001-2022

Niwot Networks, 1067 S Hover St. Unit E-16, Longmont, CO 80501.
You've Got Files, You've Got Files!, YgfManage, and youvegotfiles are trademarks
of Niwot Networks

Ygfuserman.htm -- updated:  Feb 21 2022